How to Make a Great Cup of Green Tea Before Bed?

Are you having problems sleeping? Would you like to relax before going to bed? Would you want to feel refreshed after a night of good sleep? Probably these questions linger in the minds of numerous consumers who either have sleep problems or would like to de-stress after a hard day at work.

As an option, why not consider drinking green tea before bed? I would like to help you manage these issues by discussing the elements of green tea, its effect on sleep, benefits, and suggest ways on how to prepare them.

How Long Does It Take to Get Into Ketosis? Important Facts You Need to Know

how long does it take to get into ketosis

How long does it take to get into ketosis? To be honest, I hadn’t heard about ketosis until a few years ago. And I certainly wasn’t asking how long it would take me to get into ketosis! Now I’m glad that I did hear about it, and that I did get into ketosis, because it has made a significant difference to my health and my life.

If you’re still wondering what ketosis is and whether it’s important, I hope that I’ll be able to answer some of your questions. At the end, I’ll be asking you, "How long does it really, honestly, genuinely take to get into ketosis?"

10 Powerful Benefits of Berberine Make It the Best Supplement for Health

benefits of berberine

The many health benefits of berberine may be setting it up for a position as one of the most powerful supplements in the world. It is one of the few natural products that has been shown to be as effective as, and even more effective in some cases than prescription drugs.

Today, berberine is becoming recognized for helping with a whole range of medical conditions, including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, heart disease, cancer and inflammation.

Flaxseed Oil for Skin – How to Make Sure You Have Amazing Results

How often have you read posts and just got irritated by half-truths about topics? May I have a little rant? There are multiple benefits if I choose flaxseed oil for skin health. So why don’t we stick with what it does so well and not try to make a whole lot of unsubstantiated and downright fake claims about what is not good at?

How to Use Sesame Oil for Hair – Useful Tips, Hints and Special Secrets

sesame oil for hair

Is sesame oil good for hair? The answer is yes. But that could be the answer if you asked the same question about avocado, olive, castor, rosemary, jojoba or peppermint oils – and just about all the other oils out there.

My question is, "What’s special about sesame oil for hair?" What makes it different? What gives me a good reason to choose it above all the others? The answers that I found made me decide to add a good quality sesame oil to my shopping list.