Everything You Need to Know About Cystic Acne Treatment

cystic acne treatment

Cystic acne is an eye-popping woe of young adulthood. According to the National Institute of health, eight in ten people develop acne between the ages of 11 and 30. When you take a quick survey of a subway, everyone does not have the same acne type.

The painful, swollen, and red pimple is cystic acne - the type that leaves scars. Unfortunately, researchers have not fully understood the causes of acne cyst. However, there are new and improved cystic acne treatments, and a lot you can do at home to tame and prevent scars on your pretty face.

You Want a Mane to Be Proud of but Does Biotin Cause Acne?

does biotin cause acne

Recently biotin has been rising in popularity.

This is because the vitamin has gained a reputation as an excellent way to overcome hair loss and strengthen the nails.

It is an inexpensive over the counter vitamin but the question that many are asking is does biotin cause cancer?

Acne is an embarrassing condition where blackheads and blemishes appear on the skin.

It typically occurs when there is oily skin on the face, neck, and back.

A buildup of dead skin cells, dirt, and oil, can become infected by bacteria and lead to inflammation and acne.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Sunburn in 4 Easy Steps!

coconut oil for sunburn

Did you sleep during a beach tanning session again? Or, just played too much under the sun? No matter the case, those scratchy, stingy burns must be a real pain in the neck - literally and figuratively speaking. Popping an Advil or two may ease the pain momentarily, but that surely wouldn't be enough to chase those flaming spots away. Luckily, your tropical beach paradise may just have the help you need – go loco over coco! Learn how you can use coconut oil for sunburn and say ta-ta to painful summer memories!

How to Be Sure That Your Tinea Versicolor Natural Treatment Really Works

tinea versicolor natural treatment

Tinea versicolor is not a dangerous disease, but it is extremely irritating and upsetting for those who have it. Whether you choose the medical route or a tinea versicolor natural treatment, it can be very frustrating, with many people complaining that what they are doing is not working.

There seem to be two stages to dealing with this: first, treat the current infection, and second, prevent it recurring.

We’ve had a more detailed discussion about this in our article called How to boost a tinea versicolor diet for remarkable results.

How to Boost a Tinea Versicolor Diet for Remarkable Results

tinea versicolor diet

There’s no question that the correct tinea versicolor diet is essential if you want to rid yourself of this embarrassing and irritating infection. However, treatment and prevention require several extra prongs of attack to be really effective. You can boost your results by following our 10 tips.

We’ll start by looking at what tinea versicolor is, and then look at what you should do if you have it. To note, is that it is also sometimes called pityriasis versicolor.

How to Get Amazing Results From Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask

carbonated bubble clay mask

Want clearer facial skin without the harsh ingredients? How about improving the tone of facial skin without the usual lotions? Would you like to experience a fizzy feeling while using a facial mask? Not many people know about the carbonated bubble clay mask. Its mere mention may invoke a lot of frowns and surprised reactions when asked about it.

With so many entries in Instagram and Snapchat, curiosity on this kind of mask grew, but many are still wondering how to use it and why the trend. In this article, let me highlight the benefits of this foamy clay mask, its origin, ingredients, application, and the familiar brand you may try including a do-it-yourself (DIY) mask.

Flaxseed Oil for Skin – How to Make Sure You Have Amazing Results

How often have you read posts and just got irritated by half-truths about topics? May I have a little rant? There are multiple benefits if I choose flaxseed oil for skin health. So why don’t we stick with what it does so well and not try to make a whole lot of unsubstantiated and downright fake claims about what is not good at?

Castor Oil for Acne – All You Need to Know to Solve Your Acne Problems

Acne! Every teenager’s nightmare. And, if you’re unlucky, it can remain a nightmare, even when you are older. There is even a form of baby acne! If you’re dealing with breakouts, acne and pimples, or you’re wondering how to get rid of acne scars, then maybe you should consider castor oil for acne treatment.

Dead Sea Mud Mask: How to Apply and Why It Works?

dead sea mud mask

What are the benefits of Dead Sea mud mask? Do they really work? We’ve all heard about the Queen of Sheba and Cleopatra visiting the Dead Sea. Thousands of people still flock there, to experience what is said to be the biggest natural spa in the world.

A Surprising (and Effective) Way on How to Get Tan Fast

how to get tan fast

People often wonder how to get tan fast and to look as if they just came from the beach or some sun-kissed holiday! But what I hate most about getting tans is having to be exposed to the sun and the uneven tan lines that sometimes come with the tan. Fortunately, I have found some easy and efficient ways of getting a tan that work, whether you're in a sunny area or even during the winter!