Write For Us

2018/07/07 Updated: Due to a large number of collaborative articles and only very few articles that meet the publishing standards, we no longer receive guest posts or sponsored posts.

At Stay Healthy Ways, we welcome new voices. If you feel confident about your writing skills, and you have interesting topics to share with our readers, do not hesitate to let us know!

Share Your Ideas With Us

If you are interested and would like to work with us, please email to me in the format below.

- Email title: StayHealthyWays Guest Post Content Ideas - [Your First Name and Last Name]. Example: StayHealthyWays Guest Post Content Ideas - Amelia Johnson.

* We receive tons of email every day, so any email with a subject line other than as instructed above will be considered SPAM and go to our trash automatically.  This is to ensure we can focus on mail from real humans like you and not machines.

- In the body, tell us:

  • The reason you want to place a guest post on Stay Healthy Ways.
  • Link to your blog. The blog back link will be used in the guest post. If your blog is not related to the topic of health and beauty or lifestyle, we apologize in advance for the denial.
  • Links to your last 2-3 guest posts. If you have had no previous collaborative experience, please send us the link to the best article on your blog.
  • Tell us your ideas for some themes and content that you think Stay Healthy Ways readers will enjoy (up to 5 ideas). In terms of ideas, we need to keep all content related to health, beauty, nutrition, healthy eating, diet, weight loss, life style, skin care, hair care and DIY health and beauty tips. Please search our blog posts to see the content we already have to avoid sending duplicate ideas.

Requirements for Guest Posts

Once we accept the request for cooperation from you, please follow the simple guidelines below to create your article.

  • The article must have topics related to Stay Healthy Ways topics and content, including all aspects related to health and beauty.
  • Article length: minimum 1300 words
  • Tone: Tone is everything. Please write the best article you can. If you truly love it, the reader will love it.
  • Posts must be UNIQUE, never published anywhere else, including your blog. We use a automatic tool to check and will reject any article that duplicates existing content. We will remove all content, including published content, if duplication is detected.
  • The article must be engaging and informative to our readers. Discarded articles that duplicate ideas from other websites, or high pressure sales-oriented articles not providing useful information will be denied.
  • You are encouraged to use images to illustrate the article (attach photos with the article file). We only accept high quality images with a file size of 3-5M or more, related to the content of the article, which are copyrighted (you will be responsible for the copyright to the images you submit).
  • Please make sure to edit the post thoroughly before sending it to us. We do not accept articles which are prepared sloppily and are full of spelling and grammar errors. Also, if you are just a SEOer looking for a backlink to your blog instead of contributing valuable content, please do not approach us.  We are seeking engaging, quality, original content for our site.
  • You are encouraged to link to the facts contained in the article, including your blog. Just be sure all links are no-follow. If you want to link with do-follow, we will charge for the links you choose.

When you submit articles to Stay Healthy Ways, we hold all rights to the article, including the right to refuse to publish, edit content, publish, use images (if available), use content to illustrate any other article and other rights.

If you have read this and feel confident that you would like to collaborate with us, please submit your article to be published soon!  I realize there are many exceptions and conditions listed here.  It is because we need great content and we hope we can work with you.
