Thyromegaly – More Than Just a Swelling in the Neck


Thyromegaly is also known as goiter. The condition results from an enlarged thyroid gland (1). The thyroid gland is located the lower part of the neck, below Adam’s apple. It is a shaped like a butterfly with two lobes that lie on either side of the windpipe and is joined in the center by the isthmus. 

The thyroid gland is an essential part of the endocrine system, which regulates bodily functions through the release of hormones. The hormones produced by the thyroid control the way your body metabolizes carbohydrates and fat. They regulate the production of protein, control body temperature and ensure that the heart beats at a regular pace, so any interference in the production of these hormones can have some nasty side effects.

The thyroid gland works together with the pituitary gland that is located in the base of the brain and sends signals in the form of Stimulating Thyroid Hormone STH to the thyroid when it is producing too few hormones (2).

Your chances of getting a thyromegaly increase with age and the condition is much more likely over the age of forty. More women than men suffer from the disorder (3).

Why You Need Essential Oils for Snoring to Live Life to the Full

essential oils for snoring

If you snore or live with a person, who snores you probably suffer from lack of sleep. Snoring has the potential to ruin relationships and can result in changed sleeping arrangements. Before you move out of your room rest assured help is at hand. Essential oils for snoring may be just the remedy that you seek.

Sleep deprivation often leads to daytime problems. Without enough sleep you will battle to concentrate at work and may become ill-tempered and irritable.

Snoring can also result in relationship problems as the partner of the snorer becomes resentful due to lack of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation (1) up to ninety million Americans are affected by snoring. To make matters worse, the incidence of snoring often increases with age.

Improving Atherosclerosis Prevention: Flavonoids to the Rescue

atherosclerosis prevention

Heart disease, which is interchangeably used with the term Cardiovascular disease, is currently considered the number one cause of mortality in Europe and the USA. While that’s certainly not an ideal statistic, the upside is that there are a whole lot of ways that can be done to prevent it including Atherosclerosis prevention. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about Atherosclerosis, which can be considered as a form of heart disease, and the use naturally occurring compounds known as “Flavonoids” to help prevent it.  

Everything You Need to Know About Alopecia


Alopecia is a condition where a person experiences an extreme case of hair loss due to the immune system attacking hair follicles. The hair follicles are where the hair growth starts, so the damage becomes severe when this continuously occurs and will make someone’s hair fall out and may lead to baldness in both men and women, young or old alike.

There is not a permanent loss when this occurs. Alopecia will subside in the future if the right steps are taken. But generally, many people do not understand why this condition occurs. Even the experts are at a loss why this condition occurs in individuals.

Why Does My Belly Button Smell? The Reasons Will Blow Your Mind

why does my belly button smell

Have you ever experienced that even after a good scrub during a bath or a shower, there seems to be a funny odor coming from your belly button? That suddenly after belly button piercing, pregnancy, work out, or for no apparent reason, a cheesy smell can be traced to your belly button? Why the belly button, all of a sudden, might be wet, has a discharge, leaks smelly liquid, or white stuff? These why does my belly button smell questions deserve answers in this hygiene-conscious world.

How to Remove Tonsil Stones You Can’t See: Get Rid of It In 5 Easy Ways

how to remove tonsil stones you can't see

Have you been suffering from bad breath or pain in your tonsil area recently? The cause could be undetected tonsil stones! If this is the case, you'd probably like to know how to remove tonsil stones you can't see. While they are uncomfortable and cause a host of symptoms, they are also easy to remove if you know what to do.

Whether or not you have heard of tonsil stones, this article aims to help you understand the condition, its causes and symptoms. It will also offer advice on how to remove the tonsil stones and how to prevent tonsil stones from coming back.