People often wonder how to get tan fast and to look as if they just came from the beach or some sun-kissed holiday! But what I hate most about getting tans is having to be exposed to the sun and the uneven tan lines that sometimes come with the tan. Fortunately, I have found some easy and efficient ways of getting a tan that work, whether you're in a sunny area or even during the winter!
So, if you're at home and wondering how to get a tan quickly just in time for your events, then read on as I show you the top ten ways of achieving the perfect tan and how to do it safely!
How to Get Tan Fast?

You'll be surprised to know that there are a lot of ways to get a quick tan, even during winter! Based on my research and experience, here are the best natural ways (with steps to follow) to achieve the perfect sun-kissed tan that looks natural and beautiful
#1 - Under the Sun

This is the number one method many people use when tanning. After all, you can't tan without UV rays, which are in natural sunlight This is a natural and easy method that doesn’t require a lot of equipment and only the rays of the sun. Make sure to get your tan between 10 AM and 4 PM, when the sun is strongest.
This method will take an hour to get you an even tan.
You Will Need the Following
- Reflectors (You can use either a reflector towel or those that are foldable)
- Towel or beach blanket
- Sunscreen (SPF 15 and enough to cover your whole body)
- Hat and sunglasses
- Natural oils (coconut or olive oil) or gentle moisturizing creams
Here Are the Steps You Should Follow
- Step 1: Apply sunscreen with a low SPF (less than SPF 15). Go for a spray or oil for an even tan.
- Step 2: Apply natural oils that the sunlight can penetrate and that give a glow, such as olive, coconut, hazelnut, avocado, sunflower, sesame oil, or green tea extract.
- Step 3: Find a good spot where there is direct sunlight and lay your blanket. Laying on a flotation device at the pool or sea works as well, as it will help absorb even more sunlight. Wear as little clothing as possible, lie down, and get ready to tan.
- Step 4: Remember to turn your body over once every half an hour.
- Step 5: Cool down under the shade after sunning and moisturize yourself with natural oils or gentle moisturizing cream.
#2 - At the Tanning Bed

Want a tan without sun? This is the perfect solution for those who are tanning in winter or when the sun isn’t very intense. It's the fastest method as well, since it can work in one day. I would recommend this method the most, as it can give you a great tan in just one session. Not only is it quick, but it’s a safe method as well, used by thousands of people around the world.
This method will take 20 minutes to get you an even tan.
You Will Need the Following
- Tanning bed (it's best to go to a reputable tanning salon for this)
- Sunscreen (SPF 15 - enough to cover your whole body)
Here Are the Steps You Should Follow
- Step 1: Apply your sunscreen and wear the goggles given to you by the tanning salon.
- Step 2: Undress completely before getting into the tanning bed. Shut the top cover over and switch on the tanning lights. Set the time to less than 20 minutes, depending on your skin color.
- Step 3: Simply lie there and wait for the tan to finish. It will shut off automatically. Wait for a few minutes before showering or getting dressed, and you're ready to go.
#3 - Home Remedies

For those who are at home and want to tan without burning, here is a useful DIY method to get a tan fast and healthy. Using self-tanners is safe and doesn’t require you to go under the sun or UV rays, saving you hassle and money. Also, it’s better than using other tanning products or sprays, which can harm your skin and body in the long run (which is why I recommend these three natural ways!).
This method will take about half an hour to get an even tan.
You Will Need the Following
- Self-tanner (you will need enough to cover your whole body, except for private areas)
- Gloves
Here Are the Steps You Should Follow
- Step 1: Choose the right self-tanner from a reputable company. I recommend L'Oreal, Jergens, Bath & Body Works, or Aveeno.
- Step 2: Wear gloves before applying the lotion or your hands will absorb most of the lotion on your body. It's best to protect your hands to avoid them becoming darker than the rest of your body.
- Step 3: Spread the self-tanner evenly, moving your hands in circular motions to prevent your skin from looking streaky. Remember to take it slow to avoid getting blotchy areas or missing some parts. If needed, get a friend to apply the self-tanner on hard to reach areas. Take note that self-tanners may stain, so avoid sitting or lying down on beddings and furniture.
- Step 4: Apply it every day until you reach the skin color you want. Using it twice a day will speed up the process.
Tips on Getting a Safe and Healthy Tan

Now that you're familiar with how to get a tan quickly, the next question is how to stay safe while doing so. After all, too much UV exposure can lead to you suffering from sunburns or severe skin conditions (including skin cancer). So, to keep you safe but with that banging tan you've always wanted, here are the tips you should follow:
- Always make sure that you wear a hat and sunglasses, whether you're going to go out in the sun or a tanning bed. If you're applying lotion, then avoid rubbing it on sensitive areas, especially your eyes.
- This is a given, but when you are under the UV rays, apply sunscreen beforehand. If you don't, it will end up with you getting skin cancer or at least a nasty sunburn. Use lip balm as well to avoid chapped or cracked lips. After your tan, moisturize your skin with aloe vera cream to soothe and hydrate, as softer skin leads to a better tan.
- Don't shower before tanning. The natural oils found on your body will help you tan better. The only time you should shower before getting a tan is if you use a sunless method.
- Since you will be under the sun for an extended period of time, you may get dehydrated. Always keep a bottle of water handy while you tan under the sun to avoid dehydration.
- Like I mentioned earlier, avoid staying under the sun or in the tanning bed for too long. Doing so will cause overexposure to UV rays. As much as possible, limit your tanning session to less than an hour. Start with ten minutes a day and work your way up from there, not going over one hour.
- If you experience any red spots or itching during or after your tanning session, then avoid tanning for the next few days, only going back after the discomfort is gone. If discomfort persists, consult a doctor regarding your skin condition.
- It’s very important to follow these natural methods rather using products that are skin irritants (such as medications) because they will end up damaging the way your skin cells reproduce, resulting with you having uneven skin color rather than a sun-kissed tan! It can even increase the risk of skin cancer from toxic exposure.
Tips on Maintaining Your Tan

A tan shouldn't last for just one night! Keeping your skin color requires proper care as well. To help keep your tan looking great, follow these tips:
- I know that you want to get a tan fast, but one of the best ways to maintain a tan is to get it gradually. However, for those who get a quick tan, it's best to maintain it through exfoliating and moisturizing daily.
- Avoid an uneven tan by using tan cleansers to get a tan face fast. Moisturizing and hydration is key to keeping your tan, so keep drinking water and use gentle skin products for optimum skin health.
- Continue following your tanning routine to keep your desired skin color. Always follow the steps and stay safe while doing so, using sunscreen and showering with slightly cold to lukewarm water to avoid dehydrating your skin.
- Avoid using any form of tablets or medicine that claim to maintain your tan. Stimulating melanin production through artificial methods may increase dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Instead, use supplements that support normal cell function.
- Continue to exercise and follow a diet plan rich in beta-carotenes, which can recreate or maintain the glow of your sun-kissed skin. Also, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apricots, mangoes, or even sweet potatoes.
In Conclusion
Getting a tan has never been so easy with these natural methods! Whether you're at home or in a tanning salon, freezing in the winter or laying on the beach, these methods to get tan fast will have you improve your color and have you ready for any of your events. Remember to use only natural methods rather than go the quick route to avoid any health issues in the long run.
I hope that this article helps you in get the perfect tan just in time for summer. So, don't wait any longer. Try any of these methods to get that tan without a big hassle or needing to pay a ton of money!
If you have any questions or would like to share your tips on home remedies or getting a tan quickly, then comment below. I would love to know what you have to say about natural tanning methods.
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