Oh Yes! How to Make Keto Deserts That Won’t Make You Fat

When you embark on the Keto diet, you are required to reduce your carbohydrate intake to less than fifty grams a day. 

After a short while, this forces the body to go into ketosis, and the body no longer relies on blood sugar for energy but starts to use the body’s built up store of fat instead.

This is why it is a useful way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass (1).

It is also an easy diet to follow as there is no need to count calories or to weigh food as long as you understand the process and the foods that you may and may not eat.


You Can Eat Desserts on a Keto Diet

The problem with diets is that we seldom get to satisfy our sweet truth. Not so with the Keto diet.

There are many delicious desserts that you can make that will not kick you out of ketosis.

You need to know what ingredients to use to ensure that your carb intake is within acceptable limits and you can include good fats like coconut and eggs.

keto desserts berries

Bake cakes and brownies using nine parts of almond flour with one part of coconut flour.

Alternatively, you can use oat fiber. 

They all lack gluten which holds cakes and biscuits together so all of the cakes baked with these products must contain eggs.

Grab a bar of your favorite dark chocolate.

85% cocoa is best.

Peanut butter also makes a great addition to a Ketogenic dessert.

Creamy cheeses add plenty of the fat that is so important in this diet, so whip up a mouse using cocoa, cream cheese, and heavy whipping cream.

Sweeten it with stevia and top it with a hand full pecan nuts and you can quickly satisfy your sweet tooth with a Keto dessert fat bomb that drives your diet.

Toss some blueberries into a tub of mascarpone cheese for a quick dessert on the run.

Alternative Ingredients

When you embark on a Ketogenic diet, you are indeed faced with many restrictions when it comes to dessert.

Desserts by their very nature are sweet, but you can't use sugar, honey or syrup.

You can, however, use stevia. 

Baking cakes and biscuits may appear to be impossible, but there are alternatives to flour.

Nuts and seeds make a delicious option as does desiccated coconut.  

Fruit such as strawberries, gooseberries, and blackberries can go into a delightful smoothie mixed with full cream.

Allowable Sweeteners

Polyols or sugar alcohols are some of the best sweeteners available.

They are made by fermenting starches into a carbohydrate with low digestibility.

One of these, stevia, is a popular sugar replacement in many Keto diets as it is of natural origin coming as it does from the monkey fruit.

The best polyol to use in baking is erythritol.

It has a small carb count and is easily digestible. Allulose is new on the market and is very similar to sugar.

Xylitol is higher in carbohydrates, but it is excellent in cookies as it makes them crisp on the edges and sticky inside.

Keto Dessert Recipes

We've chosen three very different desserts for you but there are hundreds of Keto dessert recipes out there, so there is dessert to match every pallet.

#1. Vanilla Ice Cream With Strawberry Rhubarb

Keto Desserts Xantham Gum - Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream

Most of us love ice cream.

What better way to cool off on a hot summer day than with delicious creamy ice cream?

Rhubarb and strawberries are excellent Keto fruits that have lovely distinctive flavors that complement each other very well.

If you don't like rhubarb, you can replace it with more strawberries but since rhubarb is lower in carbohydrates proceed with caution.

#2. Keto Desserts Xantham Gum - Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream

Keto Desserts Xantham Gum - Strawberry Rhubarb Ice Cream

Sauce Ingredients

  • Two tablespoons of stevia/erythritol blend
  • ½ teaspoon xanthan gum
  • One tablespoon water
  • One teaspoon lemon juice
  • ½ cup strawberries sliced
  • ½ cup cut rhubarb

Ice Cream ingredients:

  • 16 ounces heavy whipping cream
  • ½ tablespoon vanilla extract
  • ½ cup granulated stevia/erythritol blend
  • ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk

To Make the Sauce

  • Mix the sweetener with the xantham gum in a medium saucepan
  • Slowly add the lemon juice and water mix, whisking
  • With the stove on medium add the rhubarb and strawberries, stirring all the while
  • Allow the rhubarb to soften
  • Cool before putting it into the ice cream

To Make the Ice Cream

  • Mix the vanilla, heavy cream and sweetener in a large bowl
  • Beat this mix until it peaks stiffly
  • Slowly add the almond milk mixing it thoroughly and then whip the mixture into soft peaks again
  • When it is the right texture, swirl the sauce through it and place into the freezer for two to three hours, stirring every half hour. If the ice cream is in the freezer for longer than three hours you should let it stand out of the freezer for fifteen minutes before serving as ice cream made from almond milk gets harder than regular ice cream when frozen

#3. Keto Desserts Chocolate - Delicious Chocolate Brownies

Keto Desserts Chocolate - Delicious Chocolate Brownies

Everybody loves chocolate, and it contains more antioxidants (2) than almost anything else, so it is good for your health it also boosts your mood.


  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • Three large eggs at room temperature
  • 12 tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 cup erythritol
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 oz unsweetened cooking chocolate

How to Make the Brownies

  • The oven must be pre-heated to 325 degrees
  • Add cocoa powder to the coconut flour, and add a pinch of salt
  • Now you mix the erythritol with the eggs and a dash of vanilla. Whip the mixture until it triples in volume.
  • In another bowl, melt butter with the chocolate in the microwave or double boiler.
  • Fold the egg mixture into the butter/chocolate in three incremental parts.
  • Start adding the dry ingredients. Combining a little at a time fold the dry mixture into the wet. Repeat until all it is all mixed
  • Grease an 8x4 loaf pan and pour the mixture into it
  • Place it in the oven for about 55 minutes.

#4. Keto Desserts Under Five Carbs - Oven Baked Nutty Brie or Camembert

Oven Baked Nutty Brie or Camembert

This dessert is a delicious after dinner snack that can also share with your guests.

This dessert is more of savory snack but it is delicious, and it contains just one gram of carbohydrate.

It is the ideal dessert for the cheese-loving keto dieter.


  • 9 oz brie or camembert
  • 2 oz of walnuts or pecans
  • One tablespoon of fresh, thyme, rosemary or parsley, whichever you prefer
  • One clove of garlic
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

How to Prepare the Cheese

  • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Place the cheese on a pan lined with parchment paper.
  • Mince garlic and coarsely chop the nuts and herbs. Mix them with the olive oil and add salt and pepper.
  • Place the nut mixture on the cheese and bake for 10 minutes. The cheese should be warm and soft, and nuts must be toasted. Serve warm.

Well Planned Keto Desserts Complement Your Diet

A Ketogenic diet is very flexible. 

While on it you to eat almost any of the food types to which you had grown accustomed.

Just understand the rules and replace the carbs with the myriad of handy replacements, and you can enjoy your dessert at the end of a meal.

Before long your friends and family will be making lifestyle changes too.

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