Don’t Worry, Be Happy – How to Use Essential Oils for Anxiety

essential oils for anxiety

Anxiety, stress, tension, depression. Words that we throw around too lightly sometimes and without a real understanding of what they are and how badly they can affect your life. Those who suffer – and the word “suffer” is apposite here – are sometimes quite desperate to find a cure or, at least, some relief. And many ask, “Do essential oils work for anxiety?” or “Are there essential oils for anxiety and depression?

The good news is that the answer to both questions is “yes” – and there are plenty of research findings to support this.

We’ll have a quick look at what anxiety is and some of the research, and then give you some ideas about how to use essential oils, which are the best essential oils for anxiety, and some tips for mixtures and blends that are the most effective.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Sunburn in 4 Easy Steps!

coconut oil for sunburn

Did you sleep during a beach tanning session again? Or, just played too much under the sun? No matter the case, those scratchy, stingy burns must be a real pain in the neck - literally and figuratively speaking. Popping an Advil or two may ease the pain momentarily, but that surely wouldn't be enough to chase those flaming spots away. Luckily, your tropical beach paradise may just have the help you need – go loco over coco! Learn how you can use coconut oil for sunburn and say ta-ta to painful summer memories!