How to Choose the Best Essential Oils to Repel Bugs?

Essential oils are harvested from aromatic plants and many have proven insecticidal properties. Find out all you need to know about essential oils to repel bugs

Insects surround us in the millions. They are necessary to the environment, pollinating plants and clearing away dead debris, but they also carry viruses and bacteria. Mosquitoes carry deadly diseases such as malaria and the Zika virus, fleas are known to have spread the plague around Europe and Asia, killing off vast swathes of the population, and flies carry many deadly pathogens. So in this article, we will shed light on how to use essential oils to repel bugs

What Are Keto Sweet Snacks and Why It Is Important

keto sweet snacks

Sweet snacks. Sounds really good! But what if we say, keto sweet snack? Does that make sense? Is it even possible to include a sweet snack into your Keto diet routine? What difference does it make if you incorporate keto approved sweet snacks into your diet plan?

Having a sweet tooth myself, I've always been curious whether I can eat some sweets while practicing any diet method. I don't get tempted eating food high in carbs or fat, but when it comes to sugary stuff, it's hard for me to say no. So why say no if you there are sweet snacks certified for your diet (that maybe you can eat past bedtime too!)?

Let me share information (and delectable recipes!) about the Keto diet that I'm most happy about--keto sweet snacks!

All You Need to Know About How Many Calories Should You Eat a Day

how many calories should you eat a day

If you have been asking yourself, how many calories should you eat a day then you are asking the right question. Whether you are aiming to lose or gain a few pounds or want to maintain your current weight, tracking your daily caloric intake is important.

The number of calories that you should intake in a day depends on a lot of things, such as your age, gender, and activity levels. Thanks to modern science, we can now somehow determine the optimal number of calories you should be consuming based on these factors.

How to Include the Best Keto Fruits in Your Diet

keto fruits

The keto diet has become more and more popular over the years as it has proven to be more efficient at ridding the body of excess weight than the low-fat diets that were previously promoted as the best way to lose weight quickly. Ketosis is now recognised as an effective way to lose weight and reduce weight related health conditions (1). This article will clarify questions related to keto fruits.

Dieters who follow the Keto route will lose weight rapidly. Best of all they will be losing body fat and not muscle. The diet works by limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, replacing it with dietary fat and adequate protein. The only complaint many dieters have is that this does restrict their choices, particularly since the diet excludes starchy vegetables and many fruits. And, the question for many is how to include keto fruits into their diet.

Essential Oils for Poison Ivy – How to Relieve the Rash and Inflammation

Essential Oils for Poison Ivy

Poison ivy is everywhere. It loves to grow along paths and trails. Gardening, forest walks and even a round of golf could put you at risk of contact with the plant. For most people what follows is very unpleasant with skin inflammation and an intense itch that can last for weeks. There are ways that you can relieve the symptoms at home without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Arm yourself with knowledge of the plant and the best essential oils for poison ivy, and you can face the great outdoors without fear.

Oral Health for Kids: 8 Habits That Every Parent Needs to Know

oral health for kids

To take care of your child’s overall health is one of your most significant responsibilities. This includes keeping his or her dental hygiene in tip-top shape! What is the habit of good parents to maintain oral health for kids?

It’s obviously tiring to run after your kid every time he or she munches on chocolates, no? Besides, these sweets are an integral part of a child’s life! You wouldn’t want to take that away from your little one, would you?

You need to take some smart strides regularly so that you can improve your little one’s oral health in a great way.

Primarily, you should teach your kid good dental habits as this will be beneficial for him or her in so many ways. Aside from these, experts also shared some practical ideas which can help maintain your child’s good oral health.

Do you want to take a glance at them? Read on.