You Too Can Enjoy Ultimate Keto Fast Foods on the Run

keto fast foods

Many people have chosen to lose weight through ketosis. This means cutting the carbs. It’s good to know that most fast food restaurants have keto fast foods that you can enjoy without ketosis kicking out.

Find out how to find the best ketogenic approved fast foods and the fast food restaurants that serve them.

Oh Yes! How to Make Keto Deserts That Won’t Make You Fat

keto deserts

When you embark on the Keto diet, you are required to reduce your carbohydrate intake to less than fifty grams a day. 

After a short while, this forces the body to go into ketosis, and the body no longer relies on blood sugar for energy but starts to use the body’s built up store of fat instead.

This is why it is a useful way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass (1).

It is also an easy diet to follow as there is no need to count calories or to weigh food as long as you understand the process and the foods that you may and may not eat.

You Want a Mane to Be Proud of but Does Biotin Cause Acne?

does biotin cause acne

Recently biotin has been rising in popularity.

This is because the vitamin has gained a reputation as an excellent way to overcome hair loss and strengthen the nails.

It is an inexpensive over the counter vitamin but the question that many are asking is does biotin cause cancer?

Acne is an embarrassing condition where blackheads and blemishes appear on the skin.

It typically occurs when there is oily skin on the face, neck, and back.

A buildup of dead skin cells, dirt, and oil, can become infected by bacteria and lead to inflammation and acne.