Wheatgrass is very beneficial for your health, but we are unaware of the weird wheatgrass side effects that can harm your health more than benefiting you. To fully understand the benefits and the wheatgrass side effects, we would briefly look at the constituent elements of wheatgrass.
What are the components of wheatgrass?
Per WebMD Cotyledons are the significant component in the wheatgrass production. It is food used by most of the people around the globe. It is either in the form of concentrated powder or juice. Wheatgrass usually grows in the US and Europe. It contains enzymes, minerals, amino acids, vitamins and 70 percent is chlorophyll. It is different from the wheat malt. Wheatgrass is food which can grow well outdoor as well as indoor.

Wheatgrass shot: A popular green juice.
Some benefits of wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is a popular health food because of its benefits to your body. Here are some of the benefits of wheatgrass:
- Wheatgrass helps to remove toxins from the body
- It is a natural source of many vitamins
- Toothaches problem is solved when wheatgrass juice is put in the mouth for five minute
- It helps the body get rid of heavy metals
- Smooth digestion is aided by the use of wheatgrass juice
The above benefits are just a percentage of the many benefits of wheatgrass.
However, aside from the benefits, wheatgrass causes you harm if you will not take it properly. To protect your health, we present below the wheatgrass side effects that you should have knowledge.
What are the wheatgrass side effects?
It is a known fact that wheatgrass is a detoxifying agent and use of this grass more than 8 ounces can cause wheatgrass side effects due to rapid detoxification. 1 ounce of wheatgrass and 1 ounce of fresh vegetables have equal nutritive values which make it tough to digest and cannot be eaten raw form as a simple wheatgrass.
Therefore, the wheatgrass is ground, and the extracted juice is used as a drink, but contaminations might occur that causes wheatgrass side effects if the precautions are not taken.

Consume wheatgrass properly to avoid side effects.
Are you curious about the common wheatgrass side effects? Check them out below.
Most common wheatgrass side effects
Here are some of the wheatgrass side effects that you’ll likely encounter if you won’t consume it properly.
A Headache and Dizziness
Two of the wheatgrass side effects are a headache and dizziness. This is due to the detoxifying agents present in wheatgrass which rapidly detoxifies your blood causing you a headache and dizziness. We should try to take wheatgrass juice in a small quantity in the beginning.
Doctors suggest that you should not take more than 40ml each time. If a headache persists in the patient, then it is advised to stop the intake of wheatgrass all at once. Dizziness also accompanies a headache as a side effect of wheatgrass. You do not have to tolerate a headache and dizziness also which can affect your daily work routine because you will not have enough energy to do your duty.
Users of wheatgrass often complain about feeling nausea; this can be because of its bad taste left on your sensitive taste buds. Maybe you do not like its smell or taste due to which you have to suffer from nausea. The other reason can be detoxification that is going on in your body leads changes in your body, and you may probably feel nausea in it.
Wheatgrass contains the high amount of chlorophyll so, in the beginning, those who are not used to of wheatgrass faces the problem of nausea because it helps to release the stored toxins present in the tissues. So the release of toxins results in nausea, but it lessens later on.
Wheatgrass doesn't taste sweet, so you can add few drops of lemon or honey into it to decrease the chances of nausea. Cinnamon powder can be the other choice if you do not like to add honey or lemon. You can experience a headache, dizziness, and nausea at the same time as these are considered as interrelated side effects of wheatgrass.
You can contact diarrhea due to the use of wheat grass. However, this does not happen because of components inside wheatgrass. But it occurs due to a large intake of wheatgrass juice from the first day so you cannot directly blame wheatgrass but the excessive use of it. When you take a high quantity of wheatgrass the first time you are using it, it poses a threat to the body since the body is not used to of it, and rapid release of toxins can be the cause for it.
It is advisable that in the beginning, take in a small amount of wheatgrass juice and then keep on increasing the amount up to the level suggested by the doctors only when your body is ready to accept the larger amounts of wheatgrass juice, and you can digest it.
Allergic Reactions
If you are sensitive to wheatgrass, then you should not use it. However, if you are allergic to gluten, then you would exhibit no allergic reaction to wheatgrass as wheatgrass is gluten free. Throat and swollen face are the common problems experienced by the people who are allergic to wheatgrass.
An individual having any such problem after the use of wheatgrass should immediately consult the doctor or seek medical help that is available within least distance and time. Sometimes in the areas where we can have issues of high humidity, lower level of ventilation or high vegetation density can form mold in wheatgrass juice.
The mold that is commonly formed in wheatgrass is blue-fuzz. It can be formed when wheatgrass is left to overgrow than the required length thereby making it contaminated. So if you are sensitive or allergic to mold, you should take care of the drink to be free from mold.
The best way to ensure that is to cut wheatgrass on your own or do its thorough cleaning before use. In this way, you can also control the factors causing problems in the health of wheatgrass.
Individuals are also facing the problem of constipation when they use the wheatgrass. This is because wheatgrass juice or wheatgrass in raw form does not contain any fiber in it. And all the products which do not contain fiber in it can cause constipation. The side effect depends upon the type of body organism you have and how your body responds to several things.

If your digestive system causes the problem to digest wheatgrass, you should be careful while taking it. So if you experience constipation because of the wheatgrass juice then the best remedy to it is to add the excessive amount of water in it. Like half a gallon of water per eight ounces of wheatgrass juice. Water is the best remedy for all those products which contain less or no amount of fiber in it. It can save you from the side effect of wheatgrass.
If you are using wheatgrass, keep in mind the constituents of it and try not to use it if you are allergic to any of the component presents in it. You need to understand that sometimes it is contaminated by the environment and that contaminated wheatgrass can contain such elements which can harm you unconsciously and you may be allergic to such as mold.
When we leave the wheatgrass to overgrow, it can form mold, and many other microorganisms can add up in it due to environmental factors. Wheatgrass does not contain gluten, but wheat grains do, most of the times farmers do not care about it and while harvesting they mix up wheat grains with wheatgrass which later causes a problem for buyers who are allergic to gluten.
Moreover, the fresh wheatgrass is prone to attack by the bacteria which leads to foodborne illness. When wheatgrass juice is prepared by a method which passes through the process of pasteurization, and it increases the chances of bacteria like salmonella, E. coli or Shigella. These contaminants can lead to wheatgrass side effect like vomiting, fever, stomach cramps, etc.
Stained Teeth
The other wheatgrass side effect which is although not very harmful to life can cause serious problems, and that is stained teeth. It can be awful at times when you are in front of people; talking to them. As the source of wheatgrass juice is directly from the wheatgrass so the color of wheatgrass juice is dark green which can leave a bad impact on your teeth in the form of its color if it is not treated on time.
The best way to save yourself from stained teeth is to brush your teeth after drinking wheatgrass juice immediately. You also may have many shameful experiences in important occasions of your life.
Some of the wheatgrass side effects are directly related to the gluten content of wheatgrass. To make sure that you are not using wheatgrass with gluten content, you should learn the proper ways of preparing wheatgrass recipes.
These side effects are detrimental to your health so, it is recommended to research first about the health food you are planning to try.
These are the side effects that your body can ignore. However, it is best to know the side effects of wheatgrass and what usually cause them so that you would be able to use it the right way and reap its many benefits. You need to know that recent studies have shown those benefits not to be proven right in real life.
Most people believe that it can save them from cancer but doctors have proven this myth to be wrong as no signs of it could be found. Now, you must decide how it is going to work for you and what amount you need to take.
The wheatgrass side effects are often ignored because we just concentrate on the benefits that it can provide you. Get informed on how it should be used so as to experience its full effect. Have you heard this information that studies are not too quick to tell you?

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