The Surprising Truth You Need to Know About The Carbs In Olive Oil

You're probably wondering about the carb content of your favorite and healthy ingredients, such as olive oil! While reaping a ton of health benefits, knowing the carb and nutrient content of olive oil is important, so you know how much of it to consume. So read on as I talk about the carbs in olive oil and more information about this wonder ingredient.

How to Lose 25 Pounds in 2 Weeks With the Incredible Shock Diet

shock diet

Planning to lose weight just in time for summer? Then you've got to start eating right and making the healthier choices! If you want to shed the and get a toned body, you'll need to make sure you stay at a calorie deficit while exercising daily to build muscle. If you're still confused with how to lose weight and what to eat, it's best to follow a meal plan to stay accountable and track your progress. But what diet, exactly? Try the shock diet!

Mugwort Benefits: The Best Herb for Your Health

When it comes to health, you'll be able to find some advantages when using herbs. Herbs can come in the form of oils or tea, usually extracted from the leaves of the plant. Amidst the many traditional herbs, there is one we overlook. The Mugwort is not known by many, but it holds a lot of advantages that will help your overall health. Wondering what these Mugwort benefits are?

No matter who you are or what you may suffer from, you will find help from Mugwort. Read on as I show you the things you'll be able to benefit from through using Mugwort.

Want to Know What Goes with Pizza? Here are 5 Great Sides

I don’t know about you, but I hate it when "experts" try to tell us what goes with pizza! And while some make some sense, many others don’t. But who cares? You only live once, and the best way is to enjoy this life. After all, how do you know if you will be here tomorrow, or the day after?

And since we are talking about eating pizza (indeed eating anything), I eat it the way I want: folded in one hand, held with my two hands; sometimes I even use a knife and fork. It’s my life, and it’s my pizza!

What You Need to Know: Does Wheatgrass Have Gluten?

Does wheatgrass have gluten? This is probably the question that pops out in anyone's mind when they encountered wheatgrass. There is so controversy surrounding wheatgrass which results to skepticisms when buying a health product that contains wheatgrass.

You might wonder why there is so much fuss to wheatgrass-containing products when there is a label on every package that states it is gluten-free. There are also wheatgrass shots with gluten-free claims.

Everything You Need To Know About Quinoa vs Oatmeal

quinoa vs oatmeal

Why quinoa vs oatmeal?

Living in a metropolitan city also equates to a more hectic daily schedule. Most of us won’t have time to prepare nutritious breakfast in the morning hence, the popularity of easy to prepare food packets like quinoa and oatmeal are skyrocketing.

Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day, grains like quinoa and oatmeal takes center stage. These two grains are food staples in most households. Some people find quinoa to be the best while others preferred oatmeal as their breakfast food. Then again, people also wonder which among the two is better. To help them decide, we prepared here a quinoa vs oatmeal write up.

How Many Calories in Salt is Something You Need to Consider?

The pain, the urge, the sophistication that you acutely experience when trying to establish the ideal amount of calories to consume is one of the things that have become the top concern of many people living in today's era. This attention makes people always curious to know what they consume every day brings many calories. Salt is also not an exception. Have you ever wondered how many calories in salt you consume daily? Or whether you can survive without eating salt?

How Many Calories in a Chicken Wing You Eat Every Day?

If you are like the rest of us, you enjoy chicken wings whenever you can. You could even eat them for breakfast, a snack later in the day and still have them for dinner. But how many calories in a chicken wing do you get when you eat chicken wings so regularly?

Too many calories that make you fat?

Don’t know?

Me neither! I enjoyed my chicken wings but didn’t have a clue which chicken wings contain more or fewer calories. So I got out to find out what I was doing to my body eating all the wings. Do you want to know, don’t you? Let the findings surprise you.